Our Mission is to proclaim Christ, teach Christ’s Word,
and reflect Christ’s love to all.
Service Times
Sunday 8 and 10:30 AM
Monday 6:30 PM
Sign up today for VBS! Throughout this program, we will go on an epic adventure through Australia and along the way be guided by our Savior, Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the life! Let's go on an unforgettable journey!
When: Monday, June 9, 2025 to Friday, June 13, 2025 from 9AM to Noon.
Please Click Here to Register
Biblical education is one of our top priorities here at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Please view our video with a brief overview of the opportunities we offer.
Sunday/Monday Service Theme: “Resurrection Reminders” 1 Corinthians 15:1-20.
Adult Bible Class 9:15 am Revelation Highlights: Join us on Sunday mornings as we continue our study of the book of Revelation. This class will cover key chapters and themes in this encouraging but often misunderstood book. This week we look at the Seven Seals and Seven Trumpets from Rev. 7-8.
Children’s Sunday School Today, we will study “The Faith-Full Friends.” The Bible tells us David and Jonathan were such close friends that “the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David” (1 Samuel 18:1). Saul’s insane jealousy of David tests their friendship to the limit. David and Jonathan establish a plan to alert David if Saul continues to seek his life. Sadly, Saul’s anger remains unchecked. Jonathan, faithful to God’s will, warns David to flee from the king.
Next Food Pantry: February 19, 2025 1:30 pm to 3 pm Pantry Needs: Brownie Mix; Ravioli
Ladies Bible Study on 2 Corinthians w/ Nancy Wednesdays, 10 am in SS room at end of hall
Lenten & Holy Week Service Schedule:
March 5th Ash Wednesday 11am & 6pm
March 12th Lent Two 11am & 6pm
March 19th Lent Three 11am & 6pm
March 26th Lent Four 11am & 6pm
April 2nd Lent Five 11am & 6pm
April 9th Lent Six 11am & 6pm
April 17th Maundy Thursday Service 6:30 pm
April 18th Good Friday Service Noon & 6:30pm
April 20th Easter Sunrise Service 6:30 am (At the church)
Easter Service 8 am
Easter Service 10:30 am
Lenten Meals served 5-5:45 pm on 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, and 4/9.
Thank you Chad & Cody Phelps with CCP Trees & More for trimming trees & removing dead trees this week!
NYG Registration The LCMS National Youth Gatherin is this July 19-23 in New Orleans, LA. We have had a great time going as a group in the past! We are trying to register for early enrollment by the end of February. Talk to Michael or Pr. Krenz to receive further information and a registration sheet.
Middle School Roller Skating
Sunday February 23rd we will be rolling with the good times and go Roller Skating from 2-3 pm! We will leave church around 1:45 pm and return at about 3:20 pm. Please RSVP to Michael by 2/20. We are also looking for chaperones to join us.
High School Movie Night
Sunday, February 16th we are rolling out the Red Carpets and watching a movie together with the High School Students! We will have a hot chocolate bar to warm up in the middle of Winter and watch a film to have some fellowship. Please RSVP to Michael.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Preschool is looking for a part time teacher assistant beginning the 2025-2026 School Year. If you or someone you know might be interested call the Preschool at 618-281-4190. You can also pick up a job description in the church office.
Rummage Sale, Saturday, March 15, 8am-noon.
$5/bag. Half price 11:30-noon (furniture negotiable.)
¶ Any and all items are gratefully accepted, but No TVs, computers, car-seats or clothing please.
¶ We need help from the congregation please,
as we do not have as many youth as usual this year. Sign-up in the Narthex if you can help.
¶If congregation members need help getting their items to church, we can arrange for pickup.
Contact Lillian Koenigstein at 618.541.4657 for more information.
¶Drop off: Thursday, March 13, 4-8pm and Friday March 14, 10am – 7pm.
¶Spread the word-we need donations & shoppers.
¶ Please take a flier from the table in the Narthex and pass to a friend, neighbor or family member to help advertise.
¶Proceeds benefit the youth attending the
National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this July.
¶ Congregation members can drop their items off when attending the Lenten meal or services on Wednesday, March 12. Place your items on the tables that will be along the wall by the windows.
Helping Refugees in Need:
Christian Friends of New Americans, an LCMS service organization in St. Louis that does not receive federal funding, recently requested assistance in meeting the needs of several legally resettled refugees in St. Louis.
Due to the recent freeze in federal funds for several refugee services, many are turning to this and other Christian organizations for assistance.
This past summer our youth group spent two Saturdays helping out at a refugee center.
You can help in the following ways.
• Donating essential household items (e.g., cleaning supplies, toiletries, kitchen essentials)
• Providing grocery gift cards for refugee families in urgent need
• Making a financial contribution to sustain this critical work
Each of the above options to take action is available here: www.cfna-stl.org/donate
The Food Pantry is currently operating on the First and Third Wednesday from 1:30-3pm and 2nd Wednesday from 4pm-5:30pm in the lower lot circle drive of the church. For more information, please click below or call the church office at 618-281-4600
227 North Good Haven
Columbia IL 62236
Pastor Krenz
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