Our Mission is to proclaim Christ, teach Christ’s Word,
and reflect Christ’s love to all.
Service Times
Sunday 8 and 10:30 AM
Monday 6:30 PM
Biblical education is one of our top priorities here at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Please view our video with a brief overview of the opportunities we offer.
Sunday/Monday Worship Theme: “Gaining a heart of wisdom by using your gifts for the common good” 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Revelation Highlights: Adult Bible Class 9:15 am Join us on Sunday mornings as we continue our study of the book of Revelation. This 6-8 week class will cover key chapters and themes in this encouraging but often misunderstood book. This week we are covering chapter 2.
Children’s Sunday School On Sunday we will study “The Weakened Judge.” God grants Samson great strength to defeat the enemies of God’s people. Seeking to overcome Samson, the Philistines bribe Delilah to find the source of Samson’s strength. Samson deceives Delilah each time she tries to uncover the secret, but he finally reveals the key to his power. Shorn and blinded by the Philistines, Samson is brought to entertain thousands of revelers at the feast to Dagon. Identifying the house’s supporting pillars, Samson prays, and God grants him power to bring down the temple, killing everyone.
Middle School February: We will be going Roller Skating towards the end of the month! Look out for more details!
High School Ice Skating
Sunday, January 26th afternoon we will be headed to Forest Park to ice skate! Please RSVP to Michael by January 23rd. We may also need chaperones to transport students to and back.
NYG Interest Meeting The LCMS National Youth Gathering is this July 19-23 in New Orleans, LA. We have had a great time going as a group in the past! We will have a brief information meeting either January 26th going over basics and necessary steps. Please scan the QR code found in the bulletin to RSVP and indicate what date worksbest for you. You can contact Michael Ewert if you have questions.
Boy Scout Troop 320 hosting..
SPAGHETTI DINNER for a CAUSE A Fundraising effort to help feed the Less Fortunate February 1, 2025 - Immaculate Conception Church Columbia, IL lower level$10/person—kids under 5 eat free! Carry Outs Available(Dinner includes Spaghetti, salad, breadstick, and dessert)
Next Food Pantry: February 5, 2025 1:30 to 3 pm January 15, 2025—Served: 16 Families=25 Adults, 6 Children Pantry Needs: Chicken Broth, Canned Peaches
Small Group Bible Studies: Starting Thursday January 23rd & Sunday, January 26th we will begin a four week Home Bible Study series titled “Called”. As people called by God to be connected to Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, we are also called into a number of stations in life. These stations include being part of a family, a church, citizens in your community, and the call to work. We hope to have 2-3 groups of at least five people who can both participate in these Bible Studies and once or twice host a study in your home. Please talk to Pastor Krenz if you are interested. Signup sheets are in the church entryway. Feel free to invite those who are not part of St. Paul’s to participate. Right now we have around a dozen people participating.
The Comforts of Love sewing group needs a few more helping hands to tie comforts which will be donated to Lutheran World Relief, Orphan Grain Train, or Lutheran Disaster Response Team. There are no special sewing talents required, just a willingness to help provide items for warmth and comfort to those in need. We meet on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Contact Marianne May or Marilyn Snider for more information.
Ladies Bible Study w/ Nancy Wednesdays, 10 am in SS room at end of hall
Portals of Prayer Feel free to pick up the January—March Portals of Prayer in the church entryway. Take an extra for a friend—we have plenty.
Save the date: the annual youth group rummage sale will be Saturday, March 15, 8am-noon. Any and all items welcome, but NO TVs, computers or clothing. Please save your items to benefit the youth traveling to New Orleans for the LCMS National Youth Gathering in July. 1-2 helpers needed please to assist Randy Moeckel in moving any furniture donations for the rummage sale. Contact Lillian Koenigstein 618.541.4657 if you can help.
Annual Family Bowling Night on Sunday, February 2, 6-8pm, at West Park Bowl. $10/adult and $5/student or child includes 1 large one-topping pizza, pitcher of soda or beer, and shoe rental. Other menu items available separately. 6 people maximum per lane and $ collected that night. Checks payable to church. We will have youth lanes and family lanes. Please arrive by 5:45 to get shoes and pizza ordered before bowling starts at 6:00. Sign-up soon in the Narthex so we can add more lanes if needed/available. Spectators are welcome free of charge. Feel free to invite non-church members and youth. Deadline to sign-up is Monday, January 27.
The Food Pantry is currently operating on the First and Third Wednesday from 1:30-3pm and 2nd Wednesday from 4pm-5:30pm in the lower lot circle drive of the church. For more information, please click below or call the church office at 618-281-4600
227 North Good Haven
Columbia IL 62236
Pastor Krenz
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