Our Mission is to proclaim Christ, teach Christ’s Word,
and reflect Christ’s love to all.
Service Times
Sunday 9 AM
Monday 6:30 PM
Biblical education is one of our top priorities here at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Please view our video with a brief overview of the opportunities we offer.
Sunday/Monday service times and theme: This week we return to the 8am & 10:30 am service times with the Monday service remaining at 6:30pm. “Christian Distinctiveness- The God who is Near” based on Isaiah 35:4-7 will be the theme in each of the services.
Teacher Installation/Youth Worker Installation On Sunday at the 8 am service we will be Installing the Sunday School Teachers for 2024-25. At the 10:30 am Service, will be the Installation of Michael Ewert, our part-time Youth Director.
Pre-K thru Kindergarten Karen Mueller
Grades 1-3 Helen Nowak
Grades 4-7 Theresa Mancarella
Grades 8-12 Andrew Borseth, Michael Ewert
9/8 New Adult Bible Class 9:15 am This Sunday our adult Bible class will begin a six week study of 1 John. In addition to this study we will spend the last 1/3rd of the class looking at a particular world religion. On September 8th and 15th that religion will be Islam.
2024/25 Children’s Sunday School 9:15-10:15 The lesson this week is “Provided-For Prophet.” The prophet Elijah warns King Ahab of the severe drought coming. God first sends Elijah to the brook Cherith, where He provides ravens to feed him. When the brook dries up, Elijah lodges with a widow in Zarephath. Despite her limited supply of flour and oil, it never runs out. God supplies just what they need each day. When the widow’s son dies, Elijah raises him back to life through God’s power.
High School Bible Class (8TH grade through 12th grade): This Sunday Andrew Borseth and Michael Ewert, our seminarians will be leading our 8th grade- High School class which means upstairs in the youth room.
Youth Sunday and Youth Information
Sunday, September 22nd is Youth Sunday, we need Ushers, Greeters, Readers, and Musicians! If you are interested please sign up or talk to Michael Ewert. We also need all children to send some Youthful Information to share with the Congregation, please send fun facts about yourself to https://forms.gle/GXPY9meWJpT5mLWUA or in writing to Michael Ewert. We want to know about you! Your favorite color, favorite subject in school, any activities or sports you participate in, who you cheer for, etc.!
High School Hike at Hancock's 8th -12th Graders are invited to Dinner and a Hike at Rex and Carole's Hancock house Sunday, September 15th from 3pm-7pm. Learn about the Journey of Faith while in God's beautiful creation. RSVP here: https://forms.gle/GTDnC5PE4dAHKLGk9
Middle School Bonfire at Eckart's Millstadt Middle Schoolers are invited to a bonfire at Eckart's Millstadt on Thursday, September 26th from 5:40pm-9pm. Join us for S'mores, a Bonfire, a Hayride, and a great time for all! RSVP here: https://forms.gle/iwDzMZ9C6zQQfrVj9
Junior Confirmation Classes: On Wednesday, September 11th at 4pm and 6pm we will continue our 2024-25 Junior confirmation classes. This three year class is open to students 5th-8th grade, and covers the six chief parts of the catechism. Please contact Pastor Krenz at 618-363-0121 if you know of anyone interested in such a class.
Life Network Trivia Night– Sept. 21 5 –9 pm Call 618-939-4224 to reserve a table $200 / 10 people per table max Waterloo High School Cafeteria
Choir- If you are interested, please sign up on the back table. Karen Shimkus, from Holy Cross in Collinsville is willing to help direct the choir, as long as we have enough participants.
The tentative plan is to practice on Monday nights after worship, and then sing for the Reformation service at the end of October. The first practice is scheduled for Monday, September 14th at 6:30pm.
Handbell choir rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, September 11 at 6:30pm.
Ladies Bible Study with Nancy Class begins on Wednesday, September 18, at 10 am. Meet in Sunday School room at far end of hallway. Class lasts one hour. There is some home preparation with this class. We will be studying Corinthians this year. Come, try us out!!
Eve's Restoration Home- St. Paul's is forming an Eve's Restoration Ministries committee in order for the church to sponsor a few fundraising events throughout the year. If you have an interest in being on the committee please reach out to Amanda Douglas through call, text, or email at 314-221-6700 or evesrestorationhome@gmail.com. Thanks for your support!"
Lutheran Older Adult Retreat October 23-24, 2024 Pierre Marquette Lodge, Grafton, Illinois Registration & Retreat Info on Board by mailbox area.
Long Term Care & Wealth Transfer Workshop by Thrivent
Garden Place Senior Living hosting this workshop on Thurs., Sept. 12th, 5:30 - 7 pm.
RSVP by Sept. 8th at 618-281-4200, Columbia@gpliving.com, 480 DD Rd., Columbia, IL
Thrivent will be discussing strategies for funding potential long-term care needs and facilitating intergenerational wealth transfer.
The Food Pantry is currently operating on the First and Third Wednesday from 1:30-3pm and 2nd Wednesday from 4pm-6pm in the lower lot circle drive of the church. For more information, please click below or call the church office at 618-281-4600
227 North Good Haven
Columbia IL 62236
Pastor Krenz
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